Writing 3

Use your imagination.
Write a story about what happened and what you could see.


  1. Ysbelle and Sabre Tooth TigerAugust 7, 2016 at 11:30 PM

    (Me talking to myself in my mind) Oh no! I forgot my eye glasses!! Guess I have to read without them... Wait what was that. Was it a Sabre Tooth Tiger, but they are extinct. I will just go out and find what it was.

    It was a sunny day in Hokitika and it was a very normal day, so I just jumped on the trampoline and jumped high so I can see if there was really a Sabre Tooth Tiger. So up I jumped and then I heard a rustling noise in a nearby bush and PAOW!!!!! The STT ( Sabre tooth tiger) was real! It must only be the last one ever existed but seriously they didn't live in NZ.

    It was a large STT and it had very long teeth as they have. I hopped off my trampoline and patted it. It looked like it was trained because it didn't growl when I patted it. I brought it in and asked if I could keep it but mum, dad and my sister didn't see it so they were like "What?" Then I realize I could see what no one else can see!


    So that day I took off my glasses I had x-ray vision. I never wore my glasses again.
    Now I can get a job. I could be a cop because I could see the villain, theif or murderer through the walls. I could be a doctor because I could see the problem in their stomach through their skin. Then I would know where to do surgical work. I could be a miner because I would be able to see diamonds, gold and emeralds through the wall of the cave. I could be a pirate because I could see the chest through the sand/wall/ground/sea.
    But what job should I choose?!?!

  3. That day I took of my glasses when I was going to bed when I got out of bed and put my glasses on to go school and I took them of at school IIIII can see a lion and a alhpahant and a horse and my teachers and friends then I can see a game could connect 4.

  4. OMG today I forgot my glasses at home! what if I cannot read
    what if I cannot do my work but the most amazing thing happened.
    I could see what see what room5 and all the other ones to.
    THE END.

  5. One sunny morning, as I was walking to school I suddenly realized I had left my purple glasses on my chest of drawers at home! "Oh noooo" I wailed. I would now not be able to see my homework, (I was short sighted) and therefore get written into the book at school ALL the time. I looked at the ground to see if it was blurry. For a millisecond it was, but then I could see the ground clearly. "Yay". I whispered flatly. "At least I can see, but I might not be able to see my homework 'cos It would be THIS close" I mumbled, miming how close it would be with my fingers. You'd really think that I would be at school by now, but I was walking soooo slowly thinking about this, that if you were a midget you would definitly mistake me for a giant snail. I quickend my pace a bit. Then I saw something strange. Something glittery. As I approached it I saw it was a bottle. A bottle?! No one else seemed to be paying any attention to the bottle, so I picked it up. Turned it round. Nothing. Nothing happened. I guess I let my hopes get a little high. I guess I expected myself to dissapear. Then as I let it drop on the ground, mats began coming out of it. All different sizes, shapes and colours. Door mats, WELCOME mats, mat mats, genie mats... (well thats what they looked like, and they were more floatier than other mats) the list goes on and on and on... Now I am getting sick of mats. Then following behind the mats, a GIRL popped out of the bottle. I gasped. She was wearing floaty clothes that were weird but pretty. "Hi" she said "I'm Zara. I am a genie trainer" I was so dumbstruck I just said, "All right"...? Then I asked her to meet my parents and if she could just put genie training on hold for the while. She nodded her head and said that she might be able to call the rest of the genies (well, that's another story) and tell them that genie training will be late. I raced to my house (she levitated) and introduced her to my family. "Ok, Zara, this is my Mum, that is my Dad. Mum, Dad this is Zara" But Mum and Dad just laughed and called me a silly billy. Then Zara explained that only special people can see her so I must be special! (ha ha) Then Zara went in her bottle and I took it into my room to keep it safe FOR EVER!!! The End.

  6. The day I forgot to wear my glasses I discovered i wasn't at school. i was back in time when the dinosaurs were alive! I saw a T Rex and it ate me up nut I was still alive in his stomach where i found a cave man with my glasses. I took them off him and put them on and found out I was back at school.
    The End

  7. ccccccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :pAugust 10, 2016 at 9:41 PM

    Like normal i put my glasses on my bedside table and when i woke up i forgot them "oh no!" i forgot my glasses. I stumbled to school and up to my desk (i fell a few times) when i got my math test i was not happy at all then when i started i went to random places like Mars,the future, the past, the sun, the moon. I went there every 4 seconds then i finally stopped i felt sick not lying. Then i saw all the wrong answers to the math sheet and then i blinked and i saw the right answers to it wow! someone asked me what i was doing i just said getting all the answers right! at the end i was true i was the champion! then when i was walking home from school (i could see much better then) i heard a roar no one looked to see what it came from i did though it was in a bush. "Is it a lion?" i did see a lion run away from something but what? i saw a UNICORN! "WOAH" are you what i think you are? "yes i am a unicorn and you are my owner because no one else can see me" i walked home and i saw my mum standing at the door holding my glasses "Bye unicorn ):"

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    1. one morning I woke up , I touched my bed side table to feel my glasses but I did not feel my eye glasses , I opened my eyes and looked but they were not there. I looked under my bed, they were still not there. So I asked my mom but she told me that she did not see my glasses and I should find them because they are so expensive. I said "Ok mom". I also asked my dad and he said the same thing. At school, I saw weird footsteps while I'm looking for my glasses which I have not seen before. I followed the track however i just saw a bird and the bell rings , I should go to our room. At morning tea I saw another footsteps but it does not look like the other one that I saw at that morning , I told Summer and Nyla that I saw some footsteps and I also showed them and they just laugh because they did not see the footsteps and they left me alone , i followed the footsteps I just saw a bird then the bell rang. I should go back to our classroom . At lunch , when I'm done eating I saw some footsteps again I just followed it but I just saw a snail but I did not care . Next day at school i found half human and half horse I followed him but he went out to our school and I cant follow them . At morning tea I also found a dancing tree when I go closer I found my glasses i took it and wear it when i saw the tree it really is a dancing tree when I look up I saw some dead people from heaven.

  9. One day I was playing soccer until "Oh no I dorped my eyeglass. " The Only thing that I could see was a flock of flying penguins .I couldn't see Mum or Dad so I yelled JASMINE! So she came and asked what happened. I said "I can't find my eyeglasses." She searched for them and found them in a bush.

  10. one day i was in a hurry to catch the bus and i forgot my glasses. That day i realized i could see weird things so when i went to school the next day i had my glasses on and i could not see those things that i saw with my glasses not on.

  11. Tiakia@stmarysschool.co. nzAugust 30, 2016 at 8:47 PM

    One day I was going to soccer then I played and I was kicking it like a manack when I got home I notesd that I dident have glases.
