Writing 8

Imagine you are one of the whitebait swimming along. Tell your story. What might happen to you?


  1. One day, when my whole family joined the swimming along, I found a beautiful rock. When I came back to where they were waiting, I did not see them. I thought that they might be taken by the fisherman or there were tricked by the horrible piranha. I tried to ask some of my friends if they have found my family. To my dismay, they did not even care answering my question. I felt hopeless so I decided to go home. To my surprise, I found them at home crying. I asked them why and they said that the piranha told them I’m dead. My family was so angry and told the piranha that they will never believe him again. The piranha felt sorry for tricking my family. The next day the piranha told my family he was sorry and he promised not to trick anyone again. In the end my family forgave the piranha.


    So I was swimming along with my family then I realised it was the fist day of whitebaiting season. OOOOHHHHHHHH NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It was morning and in about 1/2 an hour people would come whitebaiting. I told my family. They said we should start swimming away. We all went in a random direction and crashed into something. "What is it??!" I said."It's flexible. That can only mean one thing -we're in a net." Dad said. We saw a little place where the net had broken -so we slipped through it, right into another net. What an idiot.
    They caught us and we were about to be roasted on a BBQ and I noticed they were having it by the river. Then this dumb person picked all my family up at the same time so he slipped. We all flew in the direction of the river and fell in.

  3. I was swimming with my friends and family when my friends and family disappeared! I started sulking. Then I saw another whitebait and she said that she was lost too. We were trying to figure out how did our friends and family disappeared when we saw a flyer in the water. We both knew how to read english so started to read. As soon as we read the other whitebait said " The whitebait season is September 9th to October 23rd and its the 12 of September which means... " That they got caught!" Then she nodded. " That is very... " I started to say but my voice started to drown beneath the sound of the swish swish of fishes coming. " Mum, Dad!" I cried. We all said that we miss each other when the other whitebait left. I said "Don't leave you can be part of my family." "Yay!" cried the other whitebait. "By the way what's your name." "My name is Silver."" Welcome to the family Silver," I said. The End.

  4. i am a little white bait that is about to get cought but i iscapted and grew into a big happy fish and ate small fish that use to be big to me and i ate them becouase they ate my family. ��

  5. tiakia@stmarysschool.co.nzSeptember 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM

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  6. One day I was swimming along with my family minding my own business, when a 'whitebait eating thing' crawled up beside me. It was grey, and had green seaweed and red coral on it, (to hide, I suppose) and it was hard and bumpy. My family had told me about these things. They eat 1000 things a day, including whitebait!!! So, to save my family from a tragic disaster, I PUSHED and PUSHED and PUSHED until I was blue in my face. The thing fell off a cliff. Then that was the moment I actually realized what it was.. A ROCK! Just great, I thought. I have saved my family from a whitebait eating rock. I looked at my family. They were clapping and cheering. Why??? I wondered. Turns out I saved my family (and all the other whitebait) from that rock falling on them AND crushed a real whitebait eating thing!

  7. One day I was swimming with my family and it was whitebait season. So our family had to watch out for the nets. When we were swimming a big group of whitebaits was charging at us but luckily none of us got lost. When we were swimming the water got dirty then we got caught to a net and we were stuck. The only way out was to chew the net so I did that. Everyone got out and we had freedom.

  8. I was just sleeping and i woke up looked at my calendar "oh no its white baiting season. Than all of a sudden i saw loads of whitebait swimming past i heard someone say "ITS A NET" i didn't believe them so i went the other way. My parents told me to come back but i say no and swam faster and faster then i saw the net it got me i screamed out "HELP HELP HELP ME" then i saw my parents and my friends they jumped up and bit the net to pull it down it worked with all of the whitebait the humans were very angry and got more friends to help but then with all the tugging it snapped i was free!

    The End

  9. I was having fun with my friends we had been swimming out at sea and then they said why don't we try swim up there pointing to the river and we all decided it would be a great idea! So off we swam up the river it was amazing there were so many different things to look at and there were also heaps of really cool places to play hide and seek there were heaps of rocks and river plants to hide under and we all had an amazing time. Then it was time to go home so we swam towards the creek where we were safe from whitebaiter's and we could be tucked up into bed and have a good night's sleep!


  10. i was swimming down a river alone minding my own business when i swam into a net then a trout swam in after me and he got stuck it turns out he was trying to warn me about the net so i help him out and he help me and now we are best friends but then a shark came and started to eat Mr trouts family so i got out doable AA-12 automatic shotgun and he opend fire and the trout never went hungery

  11. One day i was swimming around in a pool with my Friends then i long skinny thing swam across us it was a eel! a big big long one more than 10,000,0 whitebait meters it was chasing me just me! "cuss" i was the biggest whitebait around. i escaped it but one of my friends were eaten and i swam in after him and saved him. But we did not know how to get out but then i thought the way we came in so we waited to we got the right moment then i got out with my friend like "Rey" from star wars the end.

  12. one day I was Swimming along the river and ohhh noo their is a eel I got scared i did not no if the eel well eat me I started to swim away put it caught up.So i went behind a rock that was the same us me
    then i so a fisherman and he put his net down put luckily the net did not get me in the net but nooo the eel is back but the eel ate me the end

  13. i was swimming around when i was picked up by a net it was so big it made my eyes bulge with fear then i saw hole i speed through that hole at light speed then i made an oath to my mum i would never go into a big net again.

  14. Blake,Brennan and Tina lived in the water. We eat grass for dinner. Michelle and Mum are crocodiles and they ate us.

  15. I was swimming around in a river minding my own business then out of nowhere I swam into a net I had to think fast i saw that part of the net was broken and i swam out and led all the other whitebait out of the net and turned around and saw the supprise on the on the on the whitebaiters face when he realized that all the whitebait had gotten away then I swam into a giant rock then the person from ten seconds ago came and threw a different net that had no hole in it but all the white bait pushed as hard as we could against one of the parts on the net and we made a hole and we all swam out then I saw the man puled out the net then walked away because he was out of good nets.

    The End
